Look For It

It’s amazing how you can find what you are looking for.  If you’re lusting after a new truck suddenly the model in your mind's eye starts showing up all over the place.  

If I tell you to find all the round shapes in the room you are sitting in you will likely label anything remotely round…as round.

The same thing happens on an emotional level.  

  • If you are naturally a negative leaning person you will easily see things around you that are “wrong” or “not right.”

  • If you are easily offended you might be overly attached to some belief.

  • If you get angry when something bad happens it might be a confirmation bias response to what you were looking for.

  • If you are running late and you think all the people on the road are slow and in the wrong lane I bet you will find what you are looking for.

I’m not a big manifestation guy but you can’t deny some of its validity.

Want to be happier? Less stressed? More at peace?

Notice what is pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent.  It’s more pleasant than being a victim.


Comparison Ain’t No Thief


The Valley