Comparison Ain’t No Thief

They say comparison is the thief of joy.  I don’t think it’s true.  Comparison is vital to personal growth. If you press the pause button and really think about what steals your joy you’ll discover the real culprit: The negative self-talk…post-comparison.

Here is a low calorie example: 

If you notice someone with good style the comparison can go two ways.


“I wish I could look that good…he always looks so damn sharp…I hate guys like him.  I always look like a lazy fool in flip-flops.  I dress like I live in my mom’s basement. Besides I don’t have the money or natural sense of style. I’ll always be a frumpy joe-bag-of-doughnuts type. Comparison is the thief of joy so I’m just gonna slip on my camo crocs and keep wearing this ole Cheeto dusted hoody.”



“I really need to up my game.  Who do I know well enough to help me with my wardrobe?  I’m going to go through my closet this week and get rid of the stuff I know won’t cut it.  I’m looking forward to respecting myself more with developing a sense of style.  I bet anyone can learn this stuff and I’m going to commit to paying closer attention to what I wear.”

Comparison is a tricky subject but universally saying that it steals your joy is a copout. 

Pro Tip: Find the right people and compare like crazy.  It will make you better.


Getting Lucky 🍀


Look For It