Relational Accounting

When you get sidewise with someone there is always an account created.

There are debits and credits. The majority are debits…debits based on assumption, assignment of intent, and quite a bit of speculation. As these entries accrue it puts the relationship in the red.

How does this happen?

  1. Fear

  2. Indifference

  3. Spite

The loving thing to do is to check in. 

Ex. The other day when you said ______ it kinda stung a little. Tell me more about what you meant by that. 

Maybe you were the offender and your conscience starts knocking. Having the courage to circle back is a muscle worth building.

Ex. Yesterday, during the meeting, I made a snide remark aimed at you. Wanted to let you know it was wrong and I’m sorry.

Don’t let it fester. Rumination is a mindset that will ruin your chances of contentment. The longer you wait the worse it gets.  

Keeping short accounts on both sides will make your life much better.




Getting Lucky 🍀