Learn It

Learning lessons the hard way is the only way for some.  Others are more cautious because they watch the first guy bloody his nose.  Life punches no matter how cautious you are.  It finds a way to teach you.

The lessons aren’t always permanent.  If you learn to avoid risks because they are risky you will live a pretty boring life.  If you get on a bicycle for the first time and crash on a gravel turn it teaches you one of two things:

  1. Bicycles are dangerous and I’m never getting on one again

  2. Bicycles are dangerous without proper instruction and it’s obvious I don’t know what I’m doing yet.

These two “learned” attitudes have huge consequences over a lifetime.

Learning is not binary. The adventure in your life will be directly correlated by how you learn.  What do circumstances teach you? What conclusions do you come to?

Sometimes the things you “learn” need to be unlearned.


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