Your Real Estate Mentor

Starting below poverty line

Craig Kautsch started his first company when he was 23 years old. After 8 years of hard work and growth to 3 locations he found himself upside down $1,700,000 in bad debt by the time he was 31. Craig was passionate about being an entrepreneur but after his downfall it lost its luster...

The only thing Craig wanted was to feel the freedom of entrepreneurship, it left him with a BIG question... "Do I go get a job, or double down and try to climb out?" Finding comfort from his wife Jenn helped but he knew he was standing at the ultimate crossroads!

Real estate saved me

Almost 20 years ago right before he liquidated his first business, He partnered up with Lee Ellis to begin a new journey in Real Estate. They were both new in the business but had no choice but to go all in.  By the grace of God they somehow made $60k on their first two flips in the first two months.  

They couldn't believe the potential in the real estate industry.  However, they quickly learned that anything worthwhile is a brutal climb.  They were barely paying their bills and feeding their families.  They pinched every penny and were constantly inches away from financial disaster.  The first decade was full survival mode. It's amazing what can be accomplished when it's all on the line. It was kinda like going "all in" at the poker table.

The real estate industry can be ruthless and unforgiving but he found a way to keep it all in perspective. Craig has a strong faith component to his life that enables his firm footing. God has a firm grip on him and is woven into the fabric of everything he does.  



The Path Is Clear

The process of starting and growing  businesses is an extreme adventure with ups and downs.  He chose real estate as his vehicle to become a successful entrepreneur.  He found freedom from the grind and now operates squarely within his life's purpose.  

He worked for years to find the work life balance and now has no need to vacation from his vocation.  Discovering the secrets to this type of freedom has been his goal since the beginning.  He has invested well over six figures on personal coaches, advisers, and consultants to get him there.  He has always had an open stance to personal growth and outside input which has paid dividends.  This approach literally condensed the time it would have taken him to do it alone.

Indwell real estate

Craig and Will Wright (Broker) built Indwell from 0 to over 100 realtors in just a few years. The pair have curated some of the coolest most forward thinking realtors in the area.  Some are high energy producers and others are attracted to Craig and Will's investment chops.

Indwell is proof that you CAN do business with your friends.  Craig's love for realtors and their entrepreneurial spirit makes it easy for him to support the growth of their businesses.  He's kinda like an engaged coach on the sidelines of an incredibly dynamic game!


merit mortgage

Craig originated his first loan in 2007 and retained the note to launch the portfolio. He's originated and held hundreds more for the portfolio since.  He mastered servicing the low to moderate income families through Avocet Ventures Mortgage. 

Creating another mortgage company along with his team was an obvious next step.  Merit Mortgage is a full service brokerage with 7 full-time Loan Originators and is run by branch manager, Michael Foley.

Casa Dueño a Dueño

Craig grew up on the border and speaks fluent Spanish. He has a heart for helping the unbankable fulfill the dream of home ownership.  He and his team have helped hundreds of families learn the steps and actually become homeowners over the years. 

His investment company, Avocet Ventures L.P. not only buys and restores homes they are also changing neighborhoods in East Fort Worth by building over 20 homes per year on empty lots.  He's making neighborhoods safer and causing previously depressed areas become more desirable for all.   


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